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    .Aug 28, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    bloody HORNET.
    anyhow slap ppl, nv in my life have i been slapped. ASSHOLE -toot-.
    after getting *SLAPPED.
    went to hall, saw joel,aidil,weibin,haowei and kexuan. AND RAYCHOW then went straight in. they saw me. they did all sorts of funny stuffs. cant help but laugh. ITS FUNNY. melisa's got A* for chinese. GREAT! i stink at it.
    then later gathered at hall,then cheryl said that she hasnt seen kexuan -CONSOLING- ppl before. IS SHE SURE? u wanna see him consoling ppl? just try crying. it may work. then later at CHR's party he text me, ' how is cn?' isn't that consoling? not exactly... then i told cheryl, then she's like neutral. i told you it could work. but those tears aren't fake right? OF COURSE NOT. i told him she dying alr. cuz.... ITS ONLY PRELIMS. AND ITS NOT THAT BAD. all 70+, 80+, CURSE WHOEVER WHO -toot- that.
    then when mdm chia said raychow got i think 90. then he went ' I ALR TELL RAYCHOW TO GET A* FOR MORE THAN 10 TIMES ALR. HE BETTER GET A*.' after hearing raychow got 90, he ran to raychow and started hitting him or something, but in any way, he is OVER REACTING.
    that bloody - toot - .

    *mdm chia said she would punish him. AS IF!
    ghost-ed. 9:43:00 PM

    .Aug 27, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    -TOOT- -TOOT-

    wow im STUPID. HAHAH!
    im the COLD QUEEN. but supposedly ICEQUEEN. but when kexuan said it, it sounded like ice cream thats why he change it. he's the HOT KING. haowei will be the next king of pop. COOL!
    kexuan rock! he did something veryvery....NVM
    and he keep saying that -toot-.
    CHUAHSIEH STINKS!STINKER. he tripped me ytd. then the scratch mark is like exactly on the spot where -TOOT- .
    SUDDENLY, there's A LOTTTT of suckers.
    mdm chia made kexuan use our class dict. to find out the meaning of flirt. HE WAS EXAGGERATING. those actions... then mdm chia read it to us. AND THEN.... SOME PERVERTs go copy down the meaning, like kiathwe and WANRAYCHOW.kexuan's chowchowdog.
    daniel told me. then kiathwe is he tell me himself.
    we cannot curse parents, grandparents IN CLASS ANYMORE. most of them were the boys.
    i only curse someone's mother during reccess, KEXUAN.
    he hit me with his racket, then i said ' UR MOTHER LARH!!!' then like having catfight in parade square. then kexuan said cannot curse parents all this, then we were like, CURSE UR GRANDMOTHER'S DAUGHTER LARH!!! he's darn funny. everytime make me laugh like mad.not only me lah, whole class. edna and jolies gave chuahuaren one fake ben10 phone, those toy phone, then all laughing, then making LOTS AND LOTS OF NOISE. then kexuan went to his table take, then put on his table, mdm chia saw she was amused, even if she wasnt during other time, we will all say that she was smiling and she will be like give us a wry smile like that. then mdm chia asked whose was that, then we said is jolies gave huaren one, then she confiscated and said can only return after 5. then when mdmchia was holding on to that "PHONE". TOY PHONE. then they go press, got the sound then all laughing. then kexuan went ' ehh, u later get back the phone at 5 right, tmr bring also, i bring my sister's barbie doll one!!' LYOAO!!!
    damndamn shiok, 2breaks, 10 mins and 20mins. second break played at third floor cuz fourth floor got people, then mdm chia said we too noisy, then we go hall play, then ks and danielTOWHORN fought. then went back, we went to the toilet in the canteen first, then later saw mr ng walking up to hall. lucky we go first.

    ghost-ed. 4:25:00 AM

    .Aug 21, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    what kind of toot is that?! a TOOT.
    what rubbish is that?! that will be lizard shit.

    kexuan- the irritating freak. keep on talktalktalk. non-stop. can talk about kiathwe, jack, one -TOOT-.

    kexuan just told me that he was a monitor during p1 p2. he say act guai one. CAN SEE THAT. he also said that everyday during reccess, he dun let -someone- eat and pull that -someone- along and make him walk with him around the eco-garden for 10rounds, ask -someone- follow him while he talk to himself. ZI YAN ZI YU. thats what he told me. HILARIOUS! he said he monitor everytime go complain teacher say -someone- whatwhatwhat. then -someone- get scolded or something. but now, he said is -someone- bully people. he now still bullying EVERYONE.
    and then mdm yan came, then mdm yan asked where engboon got the paper, then bryan asked 'is it the M-U-G-U-A give one?' which means papaya, then he said ckk got a lot of revoulutions one, actually is chan kian keong then ckk, then cucumberkingkong, then papaya, then mugua. mdmyan scolded bryan for saying that. then kexuan told me that daniel that time went to hack ckk's account, he typed mugua, then cannot then tried xigua and donggua. ROFL! but of course thats not the password. and kexuan told me that the card holder thingie mdm chia has inside got mdmchia's password, then he said it's soemthing la.

    then about yesterday... kexuan say danieltoW and koksuan went to his house, then they play monopoly, blackjack. then the game got out of control. he go take the chopper, then dunno what. then daniel took his phone threaten want throw down or something. then later he say daniel take another knife or something then keep him as hostgae or something. then later kexuan dunno what, then daniel ran away with kexuan father's shoe. then koksuan went after him. EXTREME! then later daniel went home. koksuan went back to kexuan's house. then he said that everything in his cupboard fell out or something. daniel make one.
    he say monday show me the video. he redorded it. CRAZY.

    toot sucks. lizard shit living in the 80s.

    went to mcds. wth julniee, sylvia, lydia and cheryl.KOH.
    and then -toot- came. ignore that part. while eating, julniee make a reallyreallyreally funny, action and said a lot of things. about kiathwe-not really about him, like virginity. -TOOT- already loses it. i doubt she even know what it means. non-virgin. and like who and who, then what no money, then the money all...
    A LOT OF RUBBISH. cuz we talking about RUBBISH people. thats why there's alot of rubbish. and then dunno what.

    talking about this, she cant be as bad as kiathwe and kexuan. two reallyreally sick ppl. yesterday we same session, then they keep talking about -someone-, nicholastan and chuahsieh. then in hall keep laughing. kexuan go say chuahsieh send the s---- to whowhowho, then kiathwe added ' chuahsieh put the s---- into the envelope then send to whowhowho. 'then kiathwe say he want challenge nicholas to see who more sick. he sure win one la. PORN KING. and mdm lim is PSYCHIC! she was looking at kexuan and told him to go to the washroom(ppl in 6h use this.) -TOOT- to wet his hair or something, cuz it looks like DURIAN, he sometimes use gel, but he didnt that day. MDM LIM IS PSYCHIC! thats what our class calls him. DURIAN HEAD!

    then after eating, went to julniee's house there de playground. then we go talktalktalk, i go pour julniee's cappuccino into sylvia's milo. planning to pour on the 'lizard shit' but didnt get to see it. then they tried it. and its supposed to taste awful. the said it was nice. HURLING.
    ghost-ed. 1:42:00 AM

    .Aug 6, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ : crazy.
    mr chew didnt come today. "mr bean" took over.URGHH!
    he scolded us "fools" 3times and " damn fools" and "stupid idiot". CRAZY LARH!
    cannot believe right? teacher scolding all these!
    but is kiathwe scold him " ur mother larh!" first. then after "mr bean" scold fools and those things kiathwe scold him back.! he said " go eat ur mother TOOT!" he said toot. not those....
    when that teacher writing something on the board, nobody bother to look, then everybody flipping the nationalday gifts around. bryan go flip mine then fly until the teacher's table. then that "mr bean" saw, confiscate lorh. everybody in class all shouting and screaming.crazy! then
    ms koh complained to him that we too noisy. then she scold us. but me and some other ppl were outside, putting up our class poster. then he said we too noisy, is not us lorh! is the ppl inside. then he asked us go back in and hit our poster, CRAZY LARH! then he said we were the worst class that he had ever "taught" in this school. he calls naming emotions a combination of english and art. AS IF! then i say i dunwan the nationalday thing alr, then daniel sitting in front with kexuan, then he help me take the thing, the teacher later ask him where is that thing that he just CONFISCATED. then daniel quickly throw on the floor below his bag. then he saw, daniel had to go out and talk to him. then when he came in, he told me that "mr bean" said that he stole his thing. is he crazy? thats my thing. not his! still say he was a fighter in the school. man, he has really gone crazy. then me and bryan there laughing like mad. when mdm chia came, first thing daniel did, complain to mdm chia. i didnt mention 'bout kexuan right?yeahh. he only barked at the teacher. his bark sounded and always sounds very real. he much more good today, but only in his class, in mdm chia's class, mdm chia forbid him to use "god damn" and i think not "botong" thats what he always call kiathwe. like when mdm chia told us that he and kiathwe got 20/20 for LC, i got 18.so sadd.. my register no. is 27, then kexuan 28, kiathwe 29. so when mdm chia said kexuan got 20/20. he alr like crazy. then later got a short pause cuz ppl clapping and shouting. so when mdm chia said kiathwe also got 20/20, kexuan's first reaction was " eh! BOTONG!!" then he run to kiathwe, kiathwe sitting at chuashieh's place, chuahsieh sitting at chuahuaren's then chuahuaren sitting at kiathwe's. kexuan run over to his seat and high-fived him. and shoutshoutshout. like crazy!


    ghost-ed. 3:11:00 AM

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