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  • wanni. joey. huiyu. sherlynn. cheriedan. cheryl.ng. cheryl.koh. lydia. sylvia. weixin. kimberly. qiwen. vanice. melisa. celine. felicia. melvin. haowei. danielTOWJIHON. ah girl. koksuan. lokheng. nicholas-haters.

    .Jul 29, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    mr LIM or whatever his name is like mr bean ANIMATED or whatsoever.
    CRAZY KEXUAN. he was scolding mdm lim, cuz art mr chew dunno what then the mr lim or something was the teacher, then he let us go computer lab, then daniel went to GO get the key then mdm lim called then dun let us go.*****! then mr lim went outside kexuan go crazy larh, then danieltow also outside there then kexuan shouted very very loudly " YOU NO MOTHER LARH!" then dunno what " EAT SHIT LARH" or something. then mr lim heard then kexuan quickly sit down, then he asked him who he scolding then he say he scolding danieltow then daniel scold back then later kexuan tell me he scolding mdm lim.everyone gone crazy during art lesson, chuahuaren go throw my 7-up into the dustbin, at least he ALMOST, then i took his bottle throw outside the dustbin. the 7-up also not i buy one. ernest 请我的。ツ
    then mr lim went to GO for dunno what reason then everybody in class was crazy la, kexuan and daniel keep on making the barking sound, i dont know why larh, kexuan's more dog-ish. then kiathwe,kexuan and daniel dunno keep on scolding then teacher and dunno scold what.

    . \....\........... /..../
    ..../... I....I..(¯¯¯`\
    ...\.....` ¯..¯ ´.......'


    ghost-ed. 11:13:00 PM

    ' ♥
    ♥ :
    nichoalastan! ur mother cannot find you, is that even my problem? no need call me one right? still ask ' is nicholas with you? ' why would i be with you? but she's got a point there.i was at st. NICHOLAS when she called.

    the trial was quite fun. FULL-STOP.
    the interview was... AWKWARD.


    ghost-ed. 5:10:00 AM

    .Jul 28, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    wait,,, im the gorilla. ireallydon'tcare.
    make me jealous? jealous of? FATS? as if! i tried to make her jealous? as if!
    so what if ur ******* ******** ? such a big secret! OHMYGOSH! as if.
    don'tknow how to **** also nvm mind.play in the water la.everybody also got wet.no big deal.im just being sarcastic.

    saw danieltow's blog. look at his post of the day.
    The class is in chaos ! Marcus talking . Jack and Kiwi fighting , chow changing places , passing notes around , hitting of heads , throwing of paper bullets , saying of vulgarities (Ke *uan) , pulling of tissue paper , protesting , standing outside the classroom , eye bleeding , making of egg *olk keychains ! Wtf are we doing ? Tmr got oral eh .... I tell you 30 our class average highest is 24 . N' i dont get some of what our classmates think ... 忘恩负义 ! so sianz .... keep going thru oral ... Bryan told (not) me Kiwi "lausai" during scrabble competition and the girl cried (his opponent) . LOL kiwi looks like a monk look at his head ! God ! Then "chua bor" keep on throwing his gf's (cai ji) eraser outside the class /they like mad ppl . Kiwi first thing after psle is play - woman (like her mother)Tkx dunno how to throw correction tape and catch dun play lah . you look like a moron . and bryan sim wants to go to sports school ! lol !

    its like so...CRAZY?
    but im not the only one who saw it.mdm chia saw it too.he is so dead!
    ghost-ed. 4:17:00 AM

    ' ♥
    ♥ :
    oral.oral.oral.oral.oral.oral. ohmygoodness!mr mohan and mdm suriyani. they quite funny larh.
    the reading part was okay.picture?i dun think its so good. conversation, should be okay.i hope.
    i used 'YEAH' . sounds weird to say yes. yeah is informal.but still proper english.CHECK THE DICTIONARY!
    danieltow keep saying what what in class. point point point. kiathwe reading the bigbig scrabble dictionary. after oral, went to ISH.cherie(husband),xinrui(cherie's ANOTHER wife),bryan and chuahuaren there,PLAYING SOCCER.then i join.then kexuan came. then play.then went back. chuahuaren keep on asking me who i like. IRRITATING.nicholastan angry le.cuz he called then i didnt know .then he say ' walao! ans the phone leh!' he like cheryl before.
    ghost-ed. 1:16:00 AM

    .Jul 24, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    julniee's birthday party rocks!for me and MOST OF THE OTHER PPL.
    got extremely wet. everyone got wet except for cheryl and kimberly. played virus and ice and water at playground.nicholas and that DUNNO WHO,ice. me,maxcy and kks went to hide at the other playground, nicholastan saw, he quickly run here then we hide at the dead end there, he alr saw then no choice, he caught me and maxcy then maxcy ran away, but koksuan go inside the door there.only the resident can UNLOCK the door,he say the auntie went in then he follow her.then lock the door.left me and pig outside.he say waiting for him until he come out.then we sit on the railings there.talk awhile, i said ' fuck you. ' angry what.then he say i promised de.still ask what hotel.PIGPIGPIG. then kks suddenly unlock the door,then run out.i pulled nicholastan shirt.then he went on to catch him,didnt let go.leg pain arh!barefooted then the ground (stone floor what)then kks ran back to the function room, then he wanted to go after him,i pull his shirt then have to run with him, i pushed him into the SHALLOW pool, only wet his pants.then he ran to the toilet,i threw his bag into the pool.DEEPER one.spoil his phone, kks's first reaction was ' eh,check the money!'only care about the money!the notes all plastic one.his phone wet for too long then spoil,cuz he was thinking whether want jump down the pool or not.then he jumped down,security guard came.he came lots of times.then nv bother le.we not allowed to jump into the pool unless we wearing swimsuits. then around 7+ . everyone except cheryl and kimberly got wet.all jump into the pool or got pushed in by others.kks was topless?!ohmygosh! then security came again.we went to the shallow pool there, there got the slide.then all went down the slide.WET. then nicholastan in the pool. i jumped on him. INTO THE WATER! then julniee and nicholas was ermm.. as what sylvia said, they hugging or something like that.ohmygoodness!hahah! the security guard came again.we thought there no security what.so go there lorh. then everybody went back to the deeper pool,a lot of ppl trying to push kks down.SPLASH! security came again.then we go back to the shallow pool.i pushed nicholastan down.I DRYING MYSELF. then nicholastan in pool go pull me down,then he ask fabian help him, i ask lydia pull me away.two pulling my leg , lydia pulling my arm.then SPLASH.again.everything wet.again. the whole thing was getting into the water,getting pushed/pulled in.FUN! yeah, and julniee's cake was nice.i didnt eat.it was on her face.im not gonna lick it off.EEWWW. the rice vermicelli(as what mdm chia said it should be) inside got TAUGEI.EWW! got champagne.julniee go popped the cork.dunno fly to where.then later go hang the pinata.PONY one.lokheng hung it! hit lots of times.everybody was into the SWEETS and CANDIES. we supposed to go home at 8pm then me and kimberly 8.30 then went to the bus stop.maxcy and cheryl went at 8+. 8.30 the bus havent come yet.took bus back together. i was still wet.ALL BLAMES ON NICHOLASTAN.he wetter than me.YAY!


    ghost-ed. 7:01:00 AM

    .Jul 23, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    ALL YOUR FAULT LA. stupid.

    going for st. NICHOLAS trial nxt wednesday!!

    chuahsieh needs to wash his bag. he threw his bag at me.cuz chuahuaren hit me then i hit back.threw his bag in the DUSTBIN.outside. mr chew not bringing us to computer lab alr.nxt week last time.until psle over.marcus go draw the kitkat shop in cold storage.damndamn funny.in art.one for 10cents.he say cheapskate.

    lokheng sent me jojo's song!NICE!!
    and that fatso AH BOY.PIG.


    ghost-ed. 2:05:00 AM

    .Jul 15, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    i've got tonnes of work to do.2 prac paper.4 books,MORE. school,DUNHAVE!!!!!!COOL!

    people behind can really DRINK WATER!
    ytd he refilled 3 times.first time,he refill himself,then awhile later,he ask me have a drinking competition with him.I LOST,without a doubt.he finished the whole bottle , i only finished half.BLEHS.then he finish, ask me refill for him then he finish the whole bottle again.OHMYGOSH! in not even 10 mins.then chuahuaren also.SAME.koksuan.zhengkai.
    then today also same,had with chuahsieh and zhengkai.halfway through,i dunwan play lerh, i sure lose!then zhengkai,he won.but too bad mdm chia knew,then she say she wun let us refill our bottles.but mine refill not even once.i only help chuahsieh,zhengkai and chuahuaren refill.then i left a lil bit.finished it in the COMPETITION.but cant refill. mdm chia said ' those 4 ppl behind , are drinking too much water ' zhengkai was saying that drinking water is good. i still rmb the time chua hsieh brought 5 fully-filled water to school.HE FINISHED IT.
    and kiathwe's last yr's joke, ppl in my class will understand ' PLS PLUG IN UR USB CABLE!THANK YOU ' now they keep on saying monkey in dialect.which i only knew it meant monkey ytd.they have been using it for days. then mdm chia sent kexuan out.then kiathwe still keep on saying it.so mdm chia sent him to 6I they also having supp-ytd.then zhengkai was telling me that later kiathwe will come out of 6I and call kexuan monkey in dialect.then later kexuan came in and complaint to mdm chia that kiathwe keep on coming out of 6I and scold him monkey in dialect. zhengkai also PSYCHIC. after school stayed back with SOME DISGUSTING BOYS and sylvia and cherylk0h , went to nicholas house.OHMYGOODNESS!nicholastan mother call him ' ah boy ' ' ah di ' thats what i heard his mother calling him.he wearing the OAE shirt to tuition.TOO SKINNY LE. then went back played catching at 4th floor. went into boys toilet cuz they hiding there, NE way inside als ono ppl one.only 3 ppl.thats THOSE DISGUSTING BOYS.they locked two doors.me and sylvia went to the last one.i climbed up the thing.saw melvin holding onto the door,not to let sylvia open. then kks in another one,he holding the stick,then we snatched for it.GAVE UP IN THE END.then went out.wait for them to come out.then caught them.they also went into girls toilet,not on purpose, to hide, cuz they thought is boys toilet. they playing catching, melvin went into the DOGHOUSE.sylvia didnt caught him. went to mcd.saw some PPL , scold us, they say their teacher treat them.ms lee.then we scold them back lorh.went to playground,played colour catching.NO DORKS DOGS.GREAT!
    im not going to swim at julniee's birthday party.in fact,im going to sun tan with WEIXIN!go the steam room and the sauna.COOL!hope there will be no pigs.


    ghost-ed. 1:30:00 AM

    .Jul 13, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Can you fill this out without lying?maybe.
    What was the last thing you put in your mouth?idontknow.
    Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew?dontknow any matthew guy.
    Where was your default picture taken?idontknow.
    Last person you rode in a car with under the age of 20.my cousin.
    Can you play guitar hero?yeah.ILOVEIt.but im not very good at it.
    Name someone that made you laugh today?chuahsieh,danieltow,kexuan,kiathwe,chuahuaren,zhengkai, maxcy,cheryl,aidil,weibin,jack,marcus,melisa,koksuan,sylvia,lydia and MDM CHIA!
    How late did you stay up last night and why?11plus.BLAME NICHOLAS AND CHERYL!
    If you could move somewhere else, would you?probably.HAWAII!!!!!
    Ever been kissed under fireworks?Nope.
    Which of your friends lives closest to you?idontknow
    Do you believe ex's can be friends?i wun hate cherie if i divorce her or she divorce me.
    Calling or texting?depends.
    How do you feel about dr pepper?do you mean the drink?haven really tried it before
    When was the last time you cried really hard?idontknow
    Where are you right now?home?
    What bed did you sleep in last night?what what bed?
    What was the last thing someone bought for you?WALLET
    Who took your profile picture?idontknow
    Who was the last person you took a picture of?cheryl and maxcy,just now.kks not inside.blehs(x but they deleted the pic.cuz they werent actually posing and it looks ridiculously hideous.
    Can you live a day without TV?idontknow.havent tried before.
    Are you mad about anything?no.
    Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?CHERIE has only 2 wivesJULNIIE GOING TO HAVE 4 WIVES.
    When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?idontknow.
    Night out or night in?Out.
    What items could you not go without during the day?idontknow.YET.
    Would you share a drink with a stranger?eww!worse than taugei.
    Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?idontknow.
    What does the last message in your inbox say?how your know the marks?-H1N1 PIG
    How do you feel now about your life?GREAT!
    Do you hate anyone?chuahsieh,danieltowjiahon,malign-ion and DOGS.
    If we were to look in your inbox, what would we find?messages?
    Can you easily tell if someones fake?maybe.CHUAHSIEH IS DEFINITELY FAKE.HE ACT DUMB!
    Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?of course.
    Has anyone ever called you perfect before?Nope
    What song is stuck in your head?lenka-the show
    Someone knocks on your window at 2am, who do you want it to be?santa claus.IT WUN HAPPEN!
    Wanna have kids before you’re 30?probably.
    Name something you have to do tomorrow?school.
    Can you whistle?no.
    Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?all.i think.
    Do you think too much or too little?NORMAL.
    Do you smile a lot?yes, and laugh a lot too. YOU'LL SEE.in class.
    Who was your last missed call on your Mobile phone?JULNIEE
    When's the next time you will see the person you like?tmr.i see cherie everyday in school.she sitting in front of me only.
    Are you happy with your life?Yeah
    Can you handle the truth?why cant i ?
    What was the last book you read?miles to go.
    Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?koksuan?no.same class with him for 5 years.USED TO IT.
    What were you doing 30 minutes ago?watching tv
    who was the last person to tell you that they love you?CHERYL NG!or isit CHERIE?
    Did you have an exciting time last weekend?yes.went to airporrt.again.in the middle of the night.sort of.
    Have you ever crawled through a window?yeah.
    Are you wearing a necklace?no.
    Are you an emotional person?sometimes.
    What's something that can always make you feel better?CHERIE DAN.
    Will this weekend be a good one?yes.alr had plans fro it.
    What do you want right now?sleep.
    Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?no.
    Look behind you, what do you see?miley cyrus poster!
    Have you ever worked in a food place?no.
    What would you name your future daughter?i dont think that far.
    Any summer plans for 2009?sun,sun and more sun!
    What's on your schedule for tomorrow?english,maths,science,chinese.
    Does anyone know your facebook password?no.i know SOMEONE'S.

    kexuan is seriously crazy.even mdm chia also said that. she said nobody is as crazy as kexuan.he keep on using ' bloody, bloody , bloody ' supp,went to 3G.cuz projector spoil.then doing oral thingie.mdm chia said ms pan gave him quite low marks.then he there scolding ms pan , protesting.then he say FUCK mdm chia didnt hear.then me , zhengkai and chuahuaren sitting at the back what.then weibin sitting with kiathwe. then chuahuaren started talking bout how kiathwe and weibin is like. there down there talking.we down there laughing while looking at them.cuz they look as if they..........
    stayed back do music.but didnt do.whoa,nicholas GOT H1N1 still wan go ppl's house.PIGS.old lazy pig brother in law. then me , ks and maxcy playing catching.cheryl didnt play.i caught maxcy but actually wanted to catch ks he say he very poor thing, he say i everytime catch him.saw some DOGS. going to watch minutemen. again .
    ghost-ed. 3:51:00 AM

    .Jul 12, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    NICHOLASTAN HAVING FEVER!!! he using pig phone.he say ghost also can use.and say i will soon become a pig.I WUN BECOME A PIG. not with having an OLD LAZY PIG BROTHER IN LAW.if i become pig.he become PORK liao lorh.H1N1!! he maybe coming to school tmr. i'll be the first one to tell mrs james!PORKPORKPORK. he say i cannot hit ELDER.WHICH IS HIM. he admits he's old.COOL!!

    ask him why i will become pig.he SAY 'NOTHING'.PORKPORKPORK.
    anyhow scold ppl stupid. oh pls! i smarter than him lorh!
    ask him again.HE SAY HE FORGOT.would you believe that?OLD LAZY PIG
    ghost-ed. 5:29:00 AM

    .Jul 10, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    TO THAT ' CURIOUS' person.
    who doesnt hate dogs and merlion?
    so what if IT knows IT is merlion.who is she anyway?we didnt even say who,cuz we dun mention names.she wanna scold us or whatever IT wants to do,thats IT'S problem.
    IT can have ITSELF to blame for being called merlion.which will be a total disgrace to singapore.
    IT maligned ppl.ppl told IT that IT maligned someone.IT still act as if IT is right.and not even a sorry for MALIGNING someone .how rude?!

    like kiathwe to smeetha ' ONCE A SERVANT ALWAYS A SERVANT!'
    ghost-ed. 8:29:00 PM

    .Jul 9, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    actually i can divorce cherie . but i say i want her back.but julniee is still gonna marry me.HAVE TA wait for the ring.maybe i still want to divorce CHERIE.MAYBE.


    today got supp , saw lotsa dogs.should be 15 i think.
    did the 听写 corrections.its a complete mess!! only one mistake , the tong bao.stupid!!
    teacher say is joel PAO that PAO , i thought she was serious, then i really go write that 包.
    cuz i wasnt exactly in the RIGHT MIND at that time.
    kks even funnier,he listen to teacher talking JOKES(rubbish/nonsense/craps-chuaHSIEH) i like how daniel say RUBBISH , during assembly , last time,when mrs james talking something that he dun think is right or something.
    then haven finish writing the sentence then must collect lerh.

    back to KIATHWE ROCKS!!!
    jamie saw him and DUSTBIN(weibin) then dunno what's up with her lurh, she saw kiathwe walking past her then she go scold
    kiathwe , KIATHWE ROCKS!!then kiathwe scold her back, i ask kiathwe scold also,if i didnt he will still scold back one.he scold vulgarities/dialect.i don't know what he talking larh.they quarrel lorh, me and cheryl koh there laughing.weibin also got scold her.FINALLY. I SCOLD HER BEFORE , she dun care one.then kiathwe walked down the stairs they still scolding each other.KIATHWE ROCKS!!but jamie scold scold scold all scold the same things one , kiathwe scold different THINGS.
    before we came back , me , ck and kks went to mcd,he call me meimei.he took a lot of chilli,then he didnt even touched one of them.at all.they two quarrel ,i there listening and laughing.of course.i went there not to quarrel is to listen and laugh.koksuan damn mean , he keep on saying , he didnt exactly say that but what he said what probably to and for ck.then when he say ' u know who a not?' i wun say ck . i say pork .then he keep on saying ck larh.him and his LARGE coke.


    ghost-ed. 2:47:00 AM

    .Jul 8, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    now in comp lab.SICK OF IT.everytime go computer lab.
    now not sitting with kexuan and kiathwe.they are sure to go youtube.KAO PEI RAP.kiathwe was singing it in class,when mr chew say bringing us to comp lab.HE MEMORIZE THE WHOLE "RAP". JULNIEE MARRYING ME!!! she haven got the RING ready yet. hitted NICHOLASTAN head REAL HARD this time , harder than yesterday.he sitting at yellow table , me and julniee sitting at blue table.i hit him got the PIAK sound very loud . julniee from blue table can hear the SOUND OF HIS HEAD BEING HITTED BY ME .
    ghost-ed. 8:14:00 PM

    ' ♥
    ♥ :
    nicholas got hit at his head by me . he called me mdm stranger, should be mrs dan right,cherie?he 23 11 havent sleep yet.didnt know pigs are nocturnal.i hit him real hard. got the piak sound.cheryl know then she say i hitted very hard,she 心痛.KIDDING KIDDING!! i hit his head , he didnt do anything.ke xuan everytime hit my head , i hit him back , this guy stupid one , wun hit back.too bad , he cant hit me now , mdm chia scold him lerh.julniee is looking towards tomorrow,cuz tomorrow the auntie cooking TAUGEI.EWWW,im gonna ' EEWWW' tomorrow.definitely.
    after school stay back cuz i cant go home , for some reasons.
    then that jamie came, she went to mcd with julniee , then me,lydia,sylvia and kks talktalktalk,
    then dunno why sylvia showed us the p1 p2 class photo.i still have the p1 and p2 one , kok suan last time , looked much cuter than he is now.u see the photo , u will know.and joel pao looked very funny.then he ask me whether i remember celine.of course larh.later jamie and JULNIEE came back.finish eating, then went to ISH,saw lots of ppl,went to 4th floor , played virus and catching,urghh,i hate jamie.i got my revenge.i did what chuahuaren did to chuahsieh's bottle,i showed lydia how he did it,then jun rong saw , he go tell jamie, she didnt care.i also dun care.then rest awhile,do some hw,i copied them.julniee asked lydia whether the keychain was bought at mt brinchang,i dont know what she said,i remember i was sharing the same bus as koksuan and that NICHOLASTAN,we quarrelled on the bus leh,WOW!me and him are such enemies during p4,he dun remember u know?even p3 also in the same chinese class as him,and i dun even know his chinese name back then , we dun talk.koksuan keep on singing the what time is it song from hsm on the bus , irritating! then kks suddenly talk about danieltow,i hate him too.ytd play soccer , he keep on asking me dun tackle dun tackle , if i dun tackle u wan me defend isit?! eveyone says chuahsieh's the best defender.i believe them , he is.i saw him play before. then kks say , if i were on his team , he wun stop me from tackling, he dun care one , he say he will ask me to tackle.then play for 15 mins only,didnt played for 15 mins , spent most of the time listening to daniel's craps,keep on saying he dun like maxcy and cheryl.i dun believe him one bit.he like PORK.then keep saying he that fangsongqiao.ANNOYING.saw chua ming. chua ming-chua hsieh's brother , chua yi-chua hsieh's sister.both cuter than him.THATS OF COURSE!!daniel tow played badminton with chua ming.

    i got the picture of koksuan holding the DUSTBIN and his pencil case.cuz lydia threw it into the dustbin.GREAT!!lazy post , went to 6**** not the exact NAME of the class. went to 6**** to do something,we playing catching,then went into the class , found *SOMETHING* showed koksuan,he threw the *SOMETHING* at SOMEWHERE. GREAT!


    ghost-ed. 2:54:00 AM

    .Jul 3, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    1. Last beverage: milk with milo powder.NICE.
    2. Last phone call: KOK SUAN
    3. Last text message: 'who?' from that STRANGER
    4. Last song you listened to: Before the storm

    5. Dated someone twice: CHERIE DAN WILL KNOW
    6. Been cheated on: of course.CAN ASK CHERIE DAN SI XUAN
    7. Kissed someone & regretted it: No
    8. Lost someone special: No
    9. Been depressed: No
    10. Been drunk and threw up: never!

    11. CHERRY blossom pink
    12. electric purple
    13. white

    THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2009)
    15. Made a new friend: Yes
    16. Fallen out of love: still loving that cheriedan
    17. Laughed until you cried: almost everyday in class . COOL!
    18. Met someone who changed you: no
    19. Found out who your true friends were: nope. are they werewolves?EAT PORK
    20. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah
    21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: no
    22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: they are not werewolves
    23. How many kids do you want? idon'tknow
    24. Do you have any pets: sadly, no. used to
    25. Do you want to change your name: im satisfied alr
    26. What did you do for your last birthday: CHUA HSIEH CURSED ME ON THAT DAY.and he is still cursing me.NO USE CURSING ME,now on facebook also ' curse you '
    27. What time did you wake up today: 6.35
    28. What were you doing at midnight last night: im not like that pig
    29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: G-MAX!!!
    30. Last time you saw your Mother: now
    31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: nth
    32. What are you listening to right now : sound
    33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: who?
    34. What's getting on your nerves right now: that someone named nicholas.
    35. Most visited webpage: google
    36. Whats your real name: jiaxin
    37. Nicknames: only tjx.THEY cant think of any other nicknames for me.LUCKY
    39. Zodiac sign: OX
    40. Male or female?: Female
    41. Primary School?: hgps
    42. Secondary School?: -
    43. High school/college?: -
    44. Hair colour: black. BRUNETTE nicer
    45. Long or short: long
    47. Do you have a crush on someone? i dun like cherie dan no more
    48: What do you like about yourself? probably everything
    49. Piercings: yeah
    50. Tattoos: No
    51. Righty or lefty: both

    FIRSTS :
    52. First surgery: stiches?
    53. First piercing: ear
    54. First best friend: JOEY
    55. First sport you joined: track?like p3 that time
    56. First vacation: long long time ago.HISTORY
    58. First pair of trainers: threw away loh,cuz spoil,can see how OLD it is

    59. Eating: nth
    60. Drinking: water
    61. I'm about to: kill that nicholas guy i jus know.he's getting on my nerves.he's asking the obvious!
    62. Listening to: noise.not from those 'MAIN SOURCE'
    63. Waiting on: that nicholas guy to reply.ask ask ask,asking the obvious!

    64. Want kids?: maybe
    65. Get Married?: alr.to cherie,which that nicholas guy likes to 'SEDUCE' alot, he say he always gay with HIM/HER.GONNA KILL HIM
    66. Career?: not sure yet

    67. Lips or eyes: Eyes,like cherie's :P
    68. Hugs or kisses: hugs, like how cheryl does it
    69. Shorter or taller: taller
    70. Older or Younger: dun really matter alot.ASK CHERIE
    71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
    72. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms,but dun be like that nicholas guy one.like cherie's one
    73. Sensitive or loud: loud
    74. Hook-up or relationship: DUN EVER GET MARRIED.ITS A TORTURE.if i divorce cherie, i will marry julniee
    75. Trouble maker or hesitant: dun wan another NOISE POLLUTANT(MAIN SOURCE)

    76. Kissed a stranger: EEWW
    77. Drank hard liquor: nah
    78. Lost glasses/contacts: dun wear NE of them
    79. Sex on first date: NO WAY
    80. Broken someone's heart: i think u have to ask them,probably AFEW
    82. Been arrested: no
    83. Turned someone down: yes
    84. Cried when someone died:who doesnt?
    85. Fallen for a friend? CHERIE DAN SI XUAN

    86. Yourself: yes
    87. Miracles: sort of
    88. Love at first sight: not really
    89. Heaven: no
    90. Santa Claus: NO,that's for babies like danielTOW who still wear diapers(he tell me is not diapers, is pampers.WHAT A BABY!)
    91. Kiss on the first date: depends
    92. Angels: maybe,but there is definitely DEMONS

    ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: (yeah, totally truthful)
    94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: CHERIE HAS, I WILL!
    95. Did you sing today?: supposed to,but in the end didnt, can ask kks why,or maxcy and cheryl
    96. Ever cheated on somebody?: ASK CHERIEDAN!!
    97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? for only once?MINUTEMEN ROCKS!
    98. If you could pick a day from last year and relieve it, what would it be? idon'tknow
    99. Are you afraid of falling in love? ASK CHERIEDAN!!
    100. Posting this as 100 truths? DUN REALLY CARE
    ghost-ed. 6:00:00 AM

    ' ♥
    ♥ : stupid

    today took the height and weight.stupid machine!
    154cm,35.7kg?35.7kg? like only 78.54pounds. that pig guy so skinny , 40kg?!!!there must be something wrong!!! i wanna PROTEST.
    actually we not having PE one , danieltow they all go protest to the substitude teacher msLIZA.
    chuahuaren and zhengkai and chua hsieh call her pepperoni pizza WITH MARINARA SAUCE.maxcy they all call her msLIZARD.
    me and maxcy play soccer.cheryl didnt play. 2 aim in the game - one is to score, second is to not let danieltow score.
    he didnt score any.GREAT
    and that kiathwe very pro , he kicked the ball , he standing quite close to one boy from dunno which class,then he kicked the ball the ball flew right into the person.WE ALL LAUGHING LIKE MAD.


    ghost-ed. 1:02:00 AM

    .Jul 1, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    now in computer lab. sitting nxt to kexuan and kiathwe.POOR ME! they there laughing laughing laughing,they listening to the kao pei rap on youtube.STUPID. and mdm chia alr ask ke xuan to stay 10 foot away from me, maybe 10 steps.he's not even 10 steps away from me lorh! then kexuan watching wrestling.now daniel tow also listening.then maxcy also , all laughing. kiathwe started it.he still there singing the 'RAP'
    ghost-ed. 8:12:00 PM

    ' ♥
    ♥ :
    ghost-ed. 3:55:00 AM

    ' ♥
    ♥ :
    suprisingly,lotsa ppl know who THEY.but i really duncare.as long as THEY dunno who they are.

    kiathwe,kexuan,daniel-main source of noise pollution,thats what kiatwe calls
    themselves,but mdm chia calls them noise pollutant. EXTREME!
    kiathwe and danieltow have been fighting alot lately,for the past 3days.
    kiathwe rocks! cuz just now papaya lesson, but bell alr rang,but lesson still going on then danieltow wuz at the door,outside of course!then he tell me he waiting for kiathwe , then kiathwe came,daniel opened the door and pushed kiathwe in the class,then daniel hold on to the door
    then later kiathwe got out,then he pushed daniel inside , and daniel fell and hit the DUSTBIN!woohoo!everyone outside saw and laugh,it wuz very loud!then kiathwe go say his ..... then danieltow wear diapers!they have been arguing about the diapers and the THING since ytd or monday when mdm chia teaching science then she say she waste a styrofoam box everyday to hold her food she bought from
    canteen,then they go and say hold the food in the ... then kexuan say the...make from the popiah skin.me,zhengkai,CHUAHUAREN laughing like mad!and that kexuan,ytd go hit me with his scissors,PAIN,then he play with the scissors,then he down there cutting his finger(for fun)then later really cut,then bleeding!then when washing the blood away, mdm chia say danieltow will be joining his grp
    for the science thing,then he call mdm chia auntie!he walking towards mdm chia saying ' EH!AUNTIE AUNTIE !EH!AUNTIE!'we laughing of course,only some heard it.
    kiathwe and danieltow getting more and more extreme!just now danieltow outside,locker there, then i dontknow why kiathwe suddenly call
    'danieltowtaugei' speaking of taugei,EEWWW!! i saw julniee eating it during recess.again,EEWWW! then daniel took someone's(idon'tknow who's) bottle
    and threw it from the window aiming at kiathwe's table , which is sortta beside
    mine, then the bottle hit the floor then bottle wuz like smashed into pieces,okay,not pieces, then the 100+ wuz spilled all over the floor. and kiathwe's bag and legs too. then he go the sink there put his leg on the basin there then wash, then later took out his shoes.EEWWW! then mdm chia bend ppl from bringing SWEET DRINKS into class , cannot even put outside, dun bother me
    at all.i dun buy them.at all.not my problem!

    i hit kexuan more then 20 times today!woohoo!cuz he keep on hitting my head with his racket thing, PAIN!he say i still owe him more than 10 times,he gonna hit my head again,again,again and again tmr.goddamnhim!

    zhengkai say he gonna dismantle the scissors! yay!
    CHUAHSIEH finish the whole math workbook lerh,he finish the book before that CKK lesson.WHOA!

    for the past 3days, there had been alot of quarrelling and fighting in class,most of them involves DANIELTOWJIAHON.danieltow and kiathwe quarrel ALOT, ytd with kiathwe and bryan. dunno who he will fight with tmr. and we have 49 curriculum days to PSLE! ohmygosh! gotta study!

    ilovethiscrazyclass!6H rocks!


    ghost-ed. 3:04:00 AM

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